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Phytase in rations of growing pigs: performance, blood parameters and bone mineral content Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Silva,Hunaldo Oliveira; Fialho,Elias Tadeu; Freitas,Rilke Tadeu Fonseca de; Lima,José Augusto de Freitas; Logato,Priscila Rosa Vieira; Schoulten,Neudi Artemio.
It was intended with the present work to verify the effect of phytase on the performance, bone mineralization and content of plasma urea of swine. 80 swine (30 ± 3.1 kg/LW), crossbred (LD x LW) males and females, allocated to a randomized block design (RBD) with four treatments and five replicates. The treatments consisted of a growing swine diet on the basis of corn, soybean meal and defatted rice bran (DRB) supplemented with four levels of phytase (0, 400, 800 and 1200 FTU/kg) The diet was formulated to meet the requirements of growing swine except for available calcium and phosphorus, the levels of which were 0.64 and 0.25%, respectively. The enzyme phytase utilized was Natuphos 5000. Over the experimental period every eight days, blood of two animals...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Enzyme; Minerals; Plasma; Urea.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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